Gender has felt uselessly complicated my entire life. Sometimes I think that's because I'm a non-conforming woman in a patriarchal world, and it's hard to figure out how to be a woman when you're … [Read more...] about Seasonal Gender Dysphoria and the Normalization of Wondering
Queer + Jesus: Essays on LGBTQIA+ Faith
To My Closeted Beloveds: Coming Out (To God)
In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help; He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He brought me out into a spacious place; he … [Read more...] about To My Closeted Beloveds: Coming Out (To God)
Same-Sex Attraction, Celibacy, and Jackie Hill Perry
Imagine thinking sunlight was sinful. Your bedroom is in the basement. You go out with friends, but only at night. You keep your blinds drawn. Vitamin D deficiency is worming its way into your … [Read more...] about Same-Sex Attraction, Celibacy, and Jackie Hill Perry
Queer Christian Grief
I sat and cried at the East Atlanta rainbow stairway today. It had been a rushed kind of day. The latest Desiring God article RE: "The Harvest in the Gay Community" (y'all we are not parts that you … [Read more...] about Queer Christian Grief
The Lie of the Queer Christian Zero Sum Game
The question physically startled me. We were curled up next to each other on the piano bench, catching up. What's up, who are you these days, where are you seeing God, what does it mean to be human … [Read more...] about The Lie of the Queer Christian Zero Sum Game
When Queer Christians Doubt
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. - Isaiah 40 - For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been … [Read more...] about When Queer Christians Doubt
“So Are You Straight Now?” (And Other Bi Reflections on Sex, the Church, and God)
"So I heard you've been dating a lot of guys this summer," my lesbian friend asks me over a beer, elbows on the sticky table at the divey gay bar down the street. "So are you like... straight … [Read more...] about “So Are You Straight Now?” (And Other Bi Reflections on Sex, the Church, and God)
You Made Us Look Foolish: On Eugene Peterson and Hope
They used to tell me to "guard my heart" when I was growing up. Protect it. Don't give it to anyone who will hurt it, or not treat it carefully and gently. Don't throw it around recklessly, opening … [Read more...] about You Made Us Look Foolish: On Eugene Peterson and Hope