Guys, I got to spend 48 hours in New York City with some of my oldest friends (nearly 30 years and nearly 10 years!) for a birthday party last weekend and it was the best thing ever ever. There is something so good, and so safe, about old friends. You can’t surprise them – either with your goodness or badness. They’re equally super impressed by everything you do (“OMG you are AMAZING and the BEST!!!”), and entirely unimpressed by everything you do (“well I mean you totally should have seen that one coming…). They remember when all you wore were those awful baggy purple mom jeans every single day of high school, and they remember when you used to pick fights in philosophy class about libertarianism. In all that knowledge of each other is freedom. You can put down your pretending and faking and just be. What a gift.
So besides being so thankful for the real quality people that I got to spend a weekend with, I’m thankful for all the other nice ways that NYC was a breath of (only metaphorical, sorry NYC, your air quality isn’t great) fresh air.
For the two coworkers who picked up two shifts for me so that I could fly up to NYC on a dime. Y’all are the real heroes here.
I’m very grateful for a chipper, chatty Brooklyn-born bus driver who helped me find my way from LGA to Williamsburg after my cell phone inexplicably went from 88% to black screen on a curb at the airport.
For the culinary magic of NYC that still serves brunch at 4pm AND gives you *free mimosas* with brunch entrees (what IS that??)
For old friends who marry super excellent people, so now you get grandfathered in to amazing relationships with beautifu people by pure luck.
For finding people who want to play pool with you even though you are truly, truly terrible at it.
For children’s movies that tell the story of Good and Evil with more clarity and graciousness and fierceness than most films made for adults. #Toothless #LetsFightTrumpWithBabyDragons
For long nights drinking wine and trying to figure out who we are, what our purpose in the world is, what it means to be faithful in dark days, and also how to get ahold of chocolate in NYC at 2am.
For refreshment on a rough journey from deep springs of water, we give thanks.
Every Friday we’re giving thanks for 7 things in our lives!
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